85 research outputs found

    Pluralistic Image Completion

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    Most image completion methods produce only one result for each masked input, although there may be many reasonable possibilities. In this paper, we present an approach for \textbf{pluralistic image completion} -- the task of generating multiple and diverse plausible solutions for image completion. A major challenge faced by learning-based approaches is that usually only one ground truth training instance per label. As such, sampling from conditional VAEs still leads to minimal diversity. To overcome this, we propose a novel and probabilistically principled framework with two parallel paths. One is a reconstructive path that utilizes the only one given ground truth to get prior distribution of missing parts and rebuild the original image from this distribution. The other is a generative path for which the conditional prior is coupled to the distribution obtained in the reconstructive path. Both are supported by GANs. We also introduce a new short+long term attention layer that exploits distant relations among decoder and encoder features, improving appearance consistency. When tested on datasets with buildings (Paris), faces (CelebA-HQ), and natural images (ImageNet), our method not only generated higher-quality completion results, but also with multiple and diverse plausible outputs.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure

    IPO-LDM: Depth-aided 360-degree Indoor RGB Panorama Outpainting via Latent Diffusion Model

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    Generating complete 360-degree panoramas from narrow field of view images is ongoing research as omnidirectional RGB data is not readily available. Existing GAN-based approaches face some barriers to achieving higher quality output, and have poor generalization performance over different mask types. In this paper, we present our 360-degree indoor RGB panorama outpainting model using latent diffusion models (LDM), called IPO-LDM. We introduce a new bi-modal latent diffusion structure that utilizes both RGB and depth panoramic data during training, but works surprisingly well to outpaint normal depth-free RGB images during inference. We further propose a novel technique of introducing progressive camera rotations during each diffusion denoising step, which leads to substantial improvement in achieving panorama wraparound consistency. Results show that our IPO-LDM not only significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on RGB panorama outpainting, but can also produce multiple and diverse well-structured results for different types of masks

    T2Net: Synthetic-to-Realistic Translation for Solving Single-Image Depth Estimation Tasks

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    Current methods for single-image depth estimation use training datasets with real image-depth pairs or stereo pairs, which are not easy to acquire. We propose a framework, trained on synthetic image-depth pairs and unpaired real images, that comprises an image translation network for enhancing realism of input images, followed by a depth prediction network. A key idea is having the first network act as a wide-spectrum input translator, taking in either synthetic or real images, and ideally producing minimally modified realistic images. This is done via a reconstruction loss when the training input is real, and GAN loss when synthetic, removing the need for heuristic self-regularization. The second network is trained on a task loss for synthetic image-depth pairs, with extra GAN loss to unify real and synthetic feature distributions. Importantly, the framework can be trained end-to-end, leading to good results, even surpassing early deep-learning methods that use real paired data.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Visibility Constrained Generative Model for Depth-based 3D Facial Pose Tracking

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    In this paper, we propose a generative framework that unifies depth-based 3D facial pose tracking and face model adaptation on-the-fly, in the unconstrained scenarios with heavy occlusions and arbitrary facial expression variations. Specifically, we introduce a statistical 3D morphable model that flexibly describes the distribution of points on the surface of the face model, with an efficient switchable online adaptation that gradually captures the identity of the tracked subject and rapidly constructs a suitable face model when the subject changes. Moreover, unlike prior art that employed ICP-based facial pose estimation, to improve robustness to occlusions, we propose a ray visibility constraint that regularizes the pose based on the face model's visibility with respect to the input point cloud. Ablation studies and experimental results on Biwi and ICT-3DHP datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework is effective and outperforms completing state-of-the-art depth-based methods

    Conditional Adversarial Synthesis of 3D Facial Action Units

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    Employing deep learning-based approaches for fine-grained facial expression analysis, such as those involving the estimation of Action Unit (AU) intensities, is difficult due to the lack of a large-scale dataset of real faces with sufficiently diverse AU labels for training. In this paper, we consider how AU-level facial image synthesis can be used to substantially augment such a dataset. We propose an AU synthesis framework that combines the well-known 3D Morphable Model (3DMM), which intrinsically disentangles expression parameters from other face attributes, with models that adversarially generate 3DMM expression parameters conditioned on given target AU labels, in contrast to the more conventional approach of generating facial images directly. In this way, we are able to synthesize new combinations of expression parameters and facial images from desired AU labels. Extensive quantitative and qualitative results on the benchmark DISFA dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on 3DMM facial expression parameter synthesis and data augmentation for deep learning-based AU intensity estimation
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